Tractor Supply Company, which is the biggest rural lifestyle retailer in the United States, revealed the outcomes of its eighth annual Grants for Growing campaign. By purchasing FFA paper emblems at checkout, customers and team members collectively raised $1,004,920, which will be utilized to back student-led agricultural initiatives organized by FFA chapters throughout the nation.
Kimberley Gardiner, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer at Tractor Supply Company, expressed the company’s strong commitment to agricultural education, which shapes the lives and values of young people as they learn and practice life in rural communities. Gardiner stated that the Grants for Growing fundraiser has been instrumental in supporting FFA’s transformative agricultural education programs, and this year’s fundraiser was the most successful to date. The grants aim to support three FFA programs, namely Grow your Classroom, Grow your Chapter, and Grow your Ag Awareness.
The campaign was held during National FFA Week in mid-February, and funds raised through the sale of FFA paper emblems at checkout will be used to award grants of up to $5,000 to winning FFA chapters in the same state as the donor. Last year’s winning projects ranged from a high school greenhouse to fencing to protect crops from unwanted wildlife. FFA advisors can submit proposals for projects that promote the development of future agricultural leaders and the broader community through the FFA website.